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Faculty AVR Room (Spaces to Reserve) Capacity: 5


Faculty & AVR RoomThe Faculty AVR Room is dedicated for use by current or retired ORU faculty. The room may be reserved or used on the spur of the moment provided the faculty member check first at the Library Service Desk to make sure the room is free. The librarian at the desk will unlock the room for you.

The room is equipped with one HTC Vive VR station, Steam Content library, Adobe Creative Cloud apps, Zoom, a web cam, and an audio sound bar so that faculty may use the room to record lectures for online classes. 

This is NOT a group study room. Students are permitted to use the room solely for VR purposes related to coursework or assignments.  During mid-terms and finals ONLY, the room will be available for a group of 3-5 students for group study. Additionally, priority will be given to faculty and VR use over group study use.

No food is allowed in this room.

For VR use, check out the controllers at the Library Service desk. When using VR, it is recommended users take a break after 30 minutes in VR.

Go back to view other spaces to reserve. 


Room 101

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