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Presentation Studio for Green Screen Recording & Podcasting (Spaces to Reserve) Capacity: 8


Presentation StudioPresentation StudioThe Green Screen Recording & Podcasting (Presentation) Studio can be reserved by students and faculty for green screen recording or podcasting. This is NOT a group study room. Check in at the Library Service desk to get access to the room. NO food or drink is allowed in this room. 

The space is used for green screen recording or podcasting. It is equipped with an easy-to-use state-of-the-art automated audio/video recording system designed for students and faculty to use to create a lesson, professional recording, practice presentation, Zoom recording, dramatic or scripted scene, interview, and more using a green screen. The room includes remote camera management with a user-friendly interface and omnidirectional lighting setup (for an even cast) to avoid shadows. For use assistance or questions visit the Library Service desk or contact Professor Myra Bloom or Professor Dan Eller.

For green screen recording, check out the TV and lights controllers at the Library Service Desk.
For podcasting, check out one or two of the SHURE podcast mics at the Library Service Desk.

Go back to other spaces to reserve.


1st floor, Room 108

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding